What is Fiat Currency?

What are your Dollars worth?

Fiat Currency is not backed by a physical commodity such as gold or silver.

In other words, fiat money has not intrinsic value.

Fiat money or fiat currency is any money that the government declares as legal tender. Also this type of money is not backed by any physical commodity such as gold or silver. In other words, fiat money has NO INTRINSIC VALUE. Intrinsically valueless money used as money because of government decree.

In 1944 the U.S. Dollar was chosen as the worlds reserve currency. The world agreed to fix currencies to the Dollar which was tied to gold at $35/oz. For every Dollar printed in 1944 there was Gold to back it.

During the years between 1944 and 1971 the U.S. began to run large budget deficits from the Vietnam War and the Great Society Program under Lynden Johnson. Foreign countries and Centrals Banks began to exchange their currencies for Gold because they were concerned that the U.S. was spending more money than they had in Gold Reserves.

In August of 1971 to prevent the outflow of Gold from American vaults, Richard Nixon called for an emergency suspension of the Gold convertibility system ending the Dollar Gold Standard and converting the Dollar to what is called Fiat Currency, meaning that the Dollar was no longer backed by Gold buy only a Government promise of value!

Fiat Currency is literally created out of nothing.

The more fiat currency the government creates to feed their massive spending, the purchasing power of that currency declines. This is called inflation.

This is not only our for the money in your pocket; it is also true for the money in your bank account. When the government increase the money supply by printing trillions upon trillions of dollars this causes prices to rise and results in your money to lose value. The government has effectively taxed you to pay for all of their reckless spending.

When the government can print as many dollars as it likes, it is essentially imposing an “inflation tax”.

In what way is inflation a tax? When the government prints money, prices rise. When prices rise, money loses value. For example, if a tank of gas costs $20 then the $20 you have in your pocket is worth a tank of gas. If the price of gas rises so that it now costs $30, then the $20 in you pocket is only worth two-thirds of a tank of gas. The increase in the price of gas caused the money in your pocket to lose value.

The inflation tax is insidious because it is usually unseen (when inflation is moderate, people tend not to notice it and, when they do, fail to appreciate the it is in fact a tax). Furthermore, it is impossible to avoid. Understanding that inflation is also a tax leads us to a fundamental truth: The only way the government can obtain money is through taxation.



Why do Gold and Silver make a great hedge against inflation?

There are many reasons, but for the sake of relevancy to what has been outlined above, YOU CANNOT PRINT GOLD AND SILVER. Gold and Silver are physical, tangible assets that you cannot make appear out of thin air like the Fed does with the U.S. dollar. Therefore, it is a lot more difficult for gold and silver to devalue. Due to inflation, 100 U.S. dollars in the year 2000 would only buy you $82 worth of groceries in 2013, while $100 in gold in 2000 would buy you $470 in groceries in 2013.

Learn how you can protect your wealth by investing in Gold and Silver while at the same time building a business that will generate residual income!

7k Metals LLC | 3640 S. Yellowstone Hwy., Idaho Falls, ID 83402-2587 | (833) 209-9777 | www.7kmetals.com/bradclark


Purchasing precious metals (bullion, coins and or collectibles) involves risk.  7k and I (as a 7k Associate) strongly encourage you to exercise due diligence and properly educate yourself prior to purchasing precious metals.  The information presented in 7k’s Wealth Strategies is not to be considered tax or financial advise. 7k and I (as a 7k Associate) encourage you to seek appropriate professional advice regarding the tax and financial implications of buying, owning or selling precious metals.  The price and future value of precious metals is based on many factors, including but not limited to market and economic conditions.  Past performance of precious metals is no guarantee of future performance or future value.


 I am a 7k Associate and am not an employee of, nor am I in any way affiliated with management or operation of 7k Metals LLC.  I do not represent 7k Metals LLC and any information provided herein are for informational purposes only for those people that I share the 7k opportunity with.  It is intended to provide them with the convenience of information that can be quickly and easily accessed as a means of learning and understanding the benefits of becoming a 7k Associate. The 7k web site is the primary source of the information provided herein. I strongly advise that you do your own research on the 7k website and/or contact 7k Customer Service to answer any questions you may have and to verify the information provided to your own satisfaction for correctness and accuracy and that you do not rely strictly on the information shared herein.

Note:  I am not a financial advisor and it is not my intention to give financial advice.  I believe that when contemplating investment decisions and strategies that one should make every attempt to be as informed as possible, including researching multiple sources of information, evaluating the pros and cons and seeking the advise of qualified financial advisors as it relates to their investment decisions.